07 Sep The Romanian seaside- time to come clean…
From time to time, you feel things deserve a second chance, you leave a place and swear never to return again and then it springs back in your mind and you develop a deep nostalgia towards it. That’s when you return, hoping that everything has changed, that you won’t be left with the same sour impression again.
I myself swore not to return to the Romanian seaside after I visited Vama Veche two years ago. I could talk about my previous experience for hours, but this is not the aim of the current article. I am here to talk about what I found at the seaside this year, when late planning left me outside a possible trip to Greece. Tourism industry is a real jungle, don’t you think?
The first thing you have to know if you plan to come to Romania for the summer time is, well, not to plan ahead at all. Wishing not to repeat the same mistake again, I decided to go to Costinesti instead of Vama Veche this year. But it seemed that the simple arrival of the train three hours late is reason enough for your trusty host to ditch you. Business is business and the show must go on. Hotels are not a viable option afterward, promising to leave your pockets empty sooner than you expected. So you are left to try finding other hosts. Luckily, the train station is the perfect place to barter for a temporary summer home. Prices are reasonable, but conditions are horrible.
For 15 euros a day, me and my companion got to sleep in a lumber shack that was uninhabitable at lunch because of the extreme heat. Water was directly heated by sun rays in huge plastic barrels fixed to the roof, so warm water was available only throughout the day and never at night. Things would have been just fine if Costinesti were a true tourist complex. But Costinesti is more of a village, still learning from its experience within the services industry field. So we decided to move to Eforie Nord, thinking we would be closer to quality services.
And this gets me to my second conclusion: be preapred for the worst. Bring along medicines because food poison is quite common.
Posted at 16:19h, 08 Septembertrue true… we have a beautiful country to bad it is inhabited
Posted at 14:29h, 28 Septemberhey! ai putea da sfaturi celor care inca viseaza la un concediu de vis pe litoralul romanesc: “The Romanian seaside – how to get away from it” :D…adik nu stiu, daca nu esti vreun bastan care-si permite hotel de 5* si care e destul de nesimtit ca sa vina cu masina si cu muzica la maxim pe plaja…nu prea ai ce cauta la Mamaia de ex…it’s sad 😀 There are plenty of nice places OUT OF Romania 😉 hugz >:D<
Posted at 15:50h, 17 OctoberCineva posteaz? despre pitorescul românesc:
De la Nistru pan’ la Tisa si din Iasi pana-n Arad, toata tara noastra este un gunoi neasfaltat. Plaja Marii Negre toata se scufunda de chistoace iar cand vrei sa intri-n apa dai in ciorba de potroace. Linistit plutesc tampoane langa sticle de rachiu, alge si bucati utile de concediu purpuriu. De cand soarele rasare cocotat frumos pe-o schela, nimeni nu mai nimereste drumul spre pubela. Trist iti strangi usor cearceaful cu atingeri moi, zici ca te-oboseste marea si vrei inapoi. Nu iei trenul, esti alergic si mai si miroase si din tren nici nu se vad lucruri pretioase. Nici pe drum nu-i mai simpatic, fiindca vin din fata-n zbor, toate cele necesare la nivelul urmator. Daca nu primesti in trafic pe parbriz macar cafea, tre’ sa faci o roata-n urma – ai gresit ceva. Ce frumos este condusul, poti sa vezi pe un’ te duci, efectiv tot ce se afla-n caine, mata, nevastuici. In porumb saditi pesemne, doar de oameni gospodari, stau cuminti ciorapi cu gauri si chiloti cusuti murdari. Sunt paduri ce tin la umbra, ca in sifonier, mii de peturi si-ambalaje pline de mister. Vine vulpea se cruceste, ce sa zic de iepuras, daca ursul nu rezista si se muta la oras. Lunci, campii si luminisuri, margini de hotar, peste tot e numai naspa. Si gratar.
Stiu unde-ai fost si ce-ai mancat si ce-ai facut si dupa. E practic neinteresant si intr-o zi o sa te rupa. Cat ar fi vara de frumoasa e timpul sa opresti puroiul. Sau stai frumos inchis in casa si iesi sa duci gunoiul.
Posted at 17:51h, 21 JulyWhere’s the rest of your post? What happened next? …Was it food poisoning then? I suppose the butler couldn’t have done it this time, right? What about other resorts in the vicinity?