
A thousand times the mysteries unfold like galaxies in my head.

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This article first appeared on Eurogamer.ro, site which is no longer available. Machinarium is a very dear game to me, so I didn't want to lose my thoughts on it. You've surely all seen Wall-E, the Disney movie about the shy adorable robot who ceaselessly cleaned up planet Earth in wait of the return of the human beings. Until the end of it all, any sensible soul would have realised that Wall-E was a lot more human than those buckets of lard that he cleaned up after. And this is the same impression that Machinarium leaves you with. This tiny Flash game, which can be safely finished in a couple of hours by any outside-the-box thinker, is much more humane and full of flavour than all super-hero (read:hooters) games of 2009.