24 Nov The Melodic Hug of the Month
This hug of the month was posted on request. I wanted to linger a little longer with it, until the person it is dedicated to could actually get to see it with his own Internet connection, not from an impersonal PC at school. But it seems it was not to be, dear old friend. The show must go on. People want you. You see, there is this thing. I feel shattered most of the time, but I have people around me to teach me how to go on, how to get back into my senses and get a grip of myself. Surprisingly, Sirius here is one of those people. You might not believe it. I despised him myself once for his slow way of acting, for his sumptuous way of outliving life. Sirius is something of Emily Dickinson probably (and no, I don’t mean he’s gay). He has few friends, but his life is rich with thoughts and senses. He can love an idea till the very end. As I was saying, I despised him for that at the beginning. Because I have a fanatical way of pursuing my dreams and I can’t imagine what waiting can be like. If any of you out there have read “The Perfume” (by Patrick Suskind), then note that Sirius is a kind of Grenouille – quietly waiting for his dreams to lay out for himself, crawling in an indefinite mass of art and good taste. Even his family name reminded somehow of his destiny. Margineanu, which can only be translated like a sort of (Marginal-ickinson or McLeftAside, i guess). He never intrudes, although he has the right to. He is too smart for most of this city, and yet, he never burst out with discontent.
He only had one dream: to take on playing the guitar. After he graduated high-school, he stayed at home for one year to pursue this dream of his, to my huge surprise. I almost burnt him on a stake at that time, thinking of his ultimate waste. But it was not so. Sirius is studying music in London now. Trying to play out Scar Tissue, by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. He doesn’t have any musical background (he was most into science in high-school), but he seems to be doing a fine job at least. I hope to request an autograph from him once. And yeah, I goddam think he looks Norse.
One hug is worth a thousand words, and a thousand stories.

Posted at 22:11h, 03 DecemberThat’s a beautiful picture.